
Glossary of terms

In SEO, you are sure to come up against lots of abbreviations, jargon, and technical terms. As this can be overwhelming for those new to the practice, we have put together a glossary to keep you up to date.

Demystifying SEO Language

Our comprehensive glossary is your key to unraveling the world of SEO terminology, making it accessible and understandable for beginners and experts alike.

Editorial Link

An editorial link is a one-way link placed within the body of content given naturally by other websites to specify a resource. It is a form of organic link building that are essentially backlinks.

Email Outreach

Email outreach is the activity of creating and sending email marketing campaigns to particular individuals to get them to take a positive action. It is often used to promote content, build links and collaborate or partner with businesses.


Engagement refers to the action of communicating or interacting in an online community. The ways users interact can range from 'liking', 'favouriting' to 'commenting'. An online community can be anything from a website to a social media page.

Entry page

Entry page, similar to the landing page, is referred to as the first page viewed when visitors first access a website or mobile site. This page is important because the provided page content can initiate further engagement.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that is optimised to remain relevant and beneficial over a long period of time. This is due to the content relating to a topic that is continuously applicable; such as 'football scores' or 'how to get rid of a cold'.

External link

An external link (also known as a backlink) is a hyperlink that will direct a user from one page to another target page when clicked. It is a link on one domain that goes to a different domain. For example, a link on a page from will direct you to a page on

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