
Glossary of terms

In SEO, you are sure to come up against lots of abbreviations, jargon, and technical terms. As this can be overwhelming for those new to the practice, we have put together a glossary to keep you up to date.

Demystifying SEO Language

Our comprehensive glossary is your key to unraveling the world of SEO terminology, making it accessible and understandable for beginners and experts alike.

Webmaster Guidelines

Webmaster guidelines are the regulations set out by search engines for websites. They are a set of best practices that help you to build your site so it will have better indexability and crawlability and appear in Google search. They provide guidelines for design, technicals, and quality of the website.

Website Structure

Website structure is the way in which each individual subpage of a site links to one another. A sound website structure is key as without it, crawlers will not be able to find (and thus index) subpages. Linking the most important pages to the homepage is crucial as crawlers need to be able to find subpages with ease.


Webspam is a Black Hat SEO tactic that seeks to manipulate search engine rankings using techniques such as keyword stuffing, thin content, cloaking, and excessive links. These are all SEO tactics that go in direct violation with Google’s webmaster guidelines as they negatively impact the user experience. In fact, Google has a team designated to finding these spammy pages and imposing manual penalties.

White Hat SEO

In old Western films, the hero would wear a white hat whereas the villain would wear a black hat. In the same vein, White Hat SEO means only using ethical practices and following the search engine guidelines. Rather than adopting more spammy approaches, for instance, duplicating material that is exclusively geared for search engines, White Hat SEO strategies focus on giving readers high-quality, relevant information that maximises user experience.

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