
Glossary of terms

In SEO, you are sure to come up against lots of abbreviations, jargon, and technical terms. As this can be overwhelming for those new to the practice, we have put together a glossary to keep you up to date.

Demystifying SEO Language

Our comprehensive glossary is your key to unraveling the world of SEO terminology, making it accessible and understandable for beginners and experts alike.

H1 tag

An H1 tag is an HTML title tag which tells search engines what the title of a specific web page is. Other heading tags, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6, are used for less important headings on a page. An H1 tag helps Google to understand the structure of a page and helps users to understand what the page is about.

Header tags

Header tags indicate the text one a page that should be formatted as a heading. The main heading will have an H1 tag, which indicates that it is the main and most important heading. Other headings can have H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 tags. They are important both for user readability and for SEO because they help clarify to search engines what the page is about.


Hreflang is an HTML attribute which specifies the language a page is in and which geographical areas it should be shown to. If you have translated your website content into multiple languages, the hreflang tag tells search engines which language to show to people in different areas. These attributes are important to have if you have two slightly different versions of a page for different audiences - for example a British English version and an American English version. Other than a few spellings, these pages will look almost exactly the same, which can damage your page ranking. Fortunately, using an hreflang tag tells Google that these are not duplicates and indicates which one it should show to different people.


HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language for creating and structuring web pages. For creating web pages, it is often used alongside CSS and JavaScript.


HTTPS means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and it is used to establish a secure connection between the user and the site that has been visited. HTTPS is mainly used by websites that deal with monetary transactions or transfer user's personal data which could be highly sensitive.

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