
Glossary of terms

In SEO, you are sure to come up against lots of abbreviations, jargon, and technical terms. As this can be overwhelming for those new to the practice, we have put together a glossary to keep you up to date.

Demystifying SEO Language

Our comprehensive glossary is your key to unraveling the world of SEO terminology, making it accessible and understandable for beginners and experts alike.

Kanban: A scheduling system

Kanban: A scheduling system is a workflow management system that allows you to optimise production and inventory. Presented visually, the system was created to aid planned and scheduled manufacturing. These systems would often be used in supermarkets to help identify stock item locations and which items have sold.


A keyword is a specific word or phrase that defines what your content is about. For example, typing something like 'silver necklace' into a search engine, although it is more than one word, it is still considered a keyword.

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when numerous pages on a site compete for the same or similar keyword. For example, the search term 'electronic scooter' is typed into Google and your domain consists of multiple pages relating to 'scooters', 'electronics' and 'electronic scooters'.

Keyword Density

Keyword Density, also known as keyword frequency, refers to the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a webpage compared to the total number of words on the page. Keyword density is represented through percentage or ratio.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword Difficulty is the process of evaluating how difficult it is to rank for a specific keyword in Google's organic search results. A difficulty percentage is given based on how competitive the keyword is and whether it would be beneficial to use or not.

Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer is a time-saving keyword research tool that allows you to find profitable keywords. It helps you to define a certain niche and research beneficial search terms from users.

Keyword Proximity

Keyword Proximity refers to how two or more keywords are placed in the text. For example, the phrase 'driving school', placed in a body of text, 'Looking for a driving school? Driving school with Johnny can help you pass in no time'.

Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking refers to a page's particular place in the search engine results page in regards to a specific search query. For example, when a search term is entered into Google relating to the content of your pages, the keyword ranking is reflected through whichever spot your URL is shown.

Keyword Stemming

Keyword stemming is the tactic of modifying various forms of a keyword or phrase. Often times this is through the use of adding prefixes, suffixes and pluralisation. For example, additional forms of the word 'honest' are 'dishonest' and 'honesty'.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the practice of saturating a page with SEO keywords in an attempt to rank higher within search results and gain more attraction to the page.



KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, and it is a measure of an organisation's performance and success in achieving specific targets over a period of time. KPIs help organisations to make more informed, data-driven decisions based on quantifiable measurements of performance. All departments in a company can have their own KPIs in accordance with their organisational goals.

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